Adam Cook



My rather apocryphal, time-travelled alter-ego has spent about four years developing advanced skills in an obscure bit of Japanese freeware created by genius among men Daisuke Amaya (Pixel).

The software is called pxtone. Read about it here - download it here (not for the faint-of-mouse).

The EP is called the Canis Velpix EP. It is available on chippys’ bandcamp page; in the main menu of this website; by googling ‘canis velpix’; and many other ways that I won’t list here as I’ve just given you three and it’s late.

If it turns out you like chippys enough to declare it undyingly and unashamedly on faïcebouque, it’s here. He also has this birdy thing and this boxy thing that he never uses, but has been told to create. Go spare. Soundcloud is always nice, follow there first.

This music is a thorough departure from anything I have heard before: perhaps some of you are able to get in touch with suggestions of similar-sounding music?

Most of all, I hope you enjoy it. It took me years to make, but don’t stress - this oughtn’t be a reflection on your recognition of its inherently superior quality.

It contains the kind of adult references that you might not expect to find on my ordinarily polite website - so do go careful if you happen to be allergic.

Love, Adam (and chippysthedoggy)